
To illustrate the range of research topics we have been working on we feature three projects.

Picture: FG VWL 3

What determines perceived income justice? Evidence from the German TwinLife study

Whether individuals perceive their income as being fair has far-reaching consequences in the labor market and beyond. Here we ask to what extent differences in genes are related to variation in invididuals' perceived income justice.

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Picture: FG VWL 3

A tradable employment quota

Discrimination of women in the labor market requires appropriate policy interventions. We propose a tradable employment quota showing its effects on wages, employment, and welfare in a labor market with search frictions and taste discrimination. The paper was selected as the Best Paper Published in 2015 by the editors of Labour Economics.

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Picture: FG VWL 3

Economic convergence: Policy implications from a heterogeneous agent model

A large scale agent-based macroeconomic model is used to analyze short-, medium-and long-term effects of policies improving human capital and fostering adoption of technologies in lagging regions.

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